BizWell Studio is like Netflix for business. It is for anyone either contemplating to start a business or looking at expanding their horizon and changing the way they run their company, in order to better adapt to a turbulent environment. Here, you will find both practical information and inspiring content designed to help implement positive changes and outcomes.
During our 11 years run so far with citrus pie media group, we have interviewed some amazing people. We have been inspired again and again by their stories. We have learned a lot about products and services that make people’s lives better. We have come to understand the importance of mindset, spending time in nature and things to do to be successful as an entrepreneur.
These difficult covid times also reminded us of the struggles so many business owners are facing. Some industries have been almost wiped-out, while others had to make some drastic changes in order to keep going.
It has not been easy for many entrepreneurs as they understood they needed to adapt, create, invent … This is why we felt we had to pass on what we had learned, with a focus on helping the business and arts communities grow. We are anchored in Western Canada, this is our home and we love this part of the World. This is why a lot of the stories you will see on our BizWell Studio platform, will initially be rooted here.
We hope you will enjoy the journey, as much as we do.
Join our entrepreneurs platform and Connect WIth Like-Minded Powerhouses to Grow your Business!