​​We blend creativity and strategy so that your audience understands the bigger picture of who you are, what your company’s philosophy stands for and the bigger picture of your achievements.
Our award winning team incorporates elements of your daily life, as to create a direct, human connection with the audience. We are experts at telling stories that inspire and help sell products and services, while raising awareness and building brands.
As Mark Twain once said, “There has never been yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility.” Every life is a story worth sharing, and all of us, no matter our age or background, have had to face the joys and challenges of life. The process of creating a Legacy Film Project can be beneficial to you & your loved ones for generations to come.
Is the founder of the business retiring now and do you feel that his/her achievements should be captured and passed on to the next generations as well as the public at large?
Do you feel that people do not grasp the overall philosophy of your business and that it can be an obstacle in finding the right people to work for you?
Do you feel that you need to find more ways to inspire and motivate the people you are reaching-out to, when you are about to start a family trust?

A Going Concern : A 1 hour film telling the story of Gerry Levasseur, Alberta businessman and successful entrepreneur who built an empire in the hospitality industry. Filmed mostly through BC and Alberta’s Rockies.

Do you feel that you need help in communicating the values it stands for and its achievements so that you can get top dollars if you are positioning the business for sale or taking it public?
As an entrepreneur in start-up mode, do you feel the need to tell the big picture of the story behind the product you are launching and how it can serve humanity?
Do you feel that time is passing-by at a reckless speed and that now might be the time to reflect on your achievements and take stock of what your business stands for?
Do you feel that it is easy to lose touch around the narrative of what your business stands for and you see a need to get control of the narrative of your story.
You also have a sense that you might be missing opportunities by not having a clear, powerful method to empower and motivate people with your business achievements.
Maybe you thought about writing a book on your journey or having a newsletter going-out to the public. However, these are time consuming endeavours with generally poor returns today. We live in the Netflix age and people love inspiring, factual content on TV. Have you noticed how many documentaries are popping-up on more and more platforms?
If you answer YES to any of the points listed above, a Legacy Film Project is right for you. We understand that you may have some questions about the process associated with producing such a film. Each legacy project is highly customized and requires some pre-production planning.
​​​A Legacy Film is an investment that appreciates over time. Each project is custom-designed. The final investment is determined by the scope of the project, the number of subjects to be interviewed, additional filming locations, travel, etc. Often a Legacy Film is commissioned as a gift — for a holiday, special birthday, anniversary, or milestone event as well.
Many business owners see the value in having a Legacy Project done on their achievements, but some might be held-back by limiting beliefs:
I am concerned about talking about my personal life or feelings
I am concerned about what others might think
I am concerned about sharing the lows in my business
I am concerned about sharing the mistakes I have made
I do not want to be perceived as bragging about my success
All of these concerns are valid and we want to reassure you that you will remain in control of the final product that will be presented to the public.
The reality is that the more vulnerable and truthful you are willing to be, the more powerful your story will be, and the more you will connect with your audience on a deeper level. So what should you do? Trust the process. We will help and guide you along the way, and the filming process will establish trust and help you build powerful connections for your brand.
It is empowering to control the story of your business and not leave it to news outlets, social media and journalists who may have an agenda that is not serving you.
In an age of information overload, it is critically important to be relevant to your audience, and to control the narrative. By doing so, you will become “top of mind” with the right people who are gravitating around your products and services. Yesterday, a good way of doing this would have been by writing a book. Today, in the Netflix age, the right way of doing it is through film.
Call us today to discuss how this would be of benefit to you!
I used to own a multi million dollar company with over 40 employees and we had developed revolutionary software for the Health and Wellness industry. That was in the late 90's and early 2000. Looking back, I wish I had it all documented in a powerful and inspiring way, so that this legacy would keep going. Now that I own a video and film company, I have made it one of my most important purposes, to tell the story of business owners who have achieved success, whatever the definition of success means to them. We all have a tendency to procrastinate, thinking we will always have time ... Now is the time to do something different and get excited about the process of detailing your amazing journey!
Imagine how it would feel to have a whole film dedicated to your story, your business, your family who had started it? A beautiful film, produced with the highest cinematic values, that your family, friends, partners and staff members will be watching, gathered around the fireplace, or in community centres, movie theatres or your office boardroom?
This is by far, the most powerful way to share your business achievements without wasting time, money and energy. We will take charge of the process, once we have a good understanding of what you and your business stands for. You will be in the hands of a professional team with 5 feature length, award winning documentaries under its belt, along with 3000 videos and over 2 dozen live events produced.

By taking action TODAY and deciding to trust us to positively impact the future with a powerful film dedicated to your story, you will get:
There are 3 possible lengths.
Up to 25 minutes, 40 minute or a 1+ hour film documenting your business story.
(If your looking at a shorter piece around who you are and what you stand for we have the Leader Profile Piece option - 4-9 minutes) - Link to the Leader Profile page.
A complete road map of the arc of the story and the different components of the puzzle.
All interviews done by an expert interviewer, award winning director, who has done over 2000 interviews from regular people all the way up to celebrities like Dr. Bruce Lipton, John Demartini, Bob Proctor, Robert Tujillo from Metallica ...
We will be contacting your close business team members, colleagues , clients, current and past business associates, friends and on your behalf, so that you do not waste time and instead keep focusing on running the business.
We will supply you with a powerful 2 to 3 minutes trailer and a number of social clips your marketing team will be excited and in need to share.
We will share with you a complete, detailed road map on how to create live events, physical, virtual or a combination of both. We have a vast experience in doing this and we will make sure that these events will achieve the goal you set for them, whether it is fundraising or celebrating the business story at Christmas time, or any other purpose you envision.
Let Us Help You Make a Greater Impact on the World!
(If you're looking for a small film project that will have an impact, we have our leader profile videos that are in the 4-9 minute range. Click HERE for more information).